
Morocco, My Crazy, Scary 8-day Travel Adventure

So this was a a few years ago I was a poor student but loved to travel. I found this deal which seemed too good to be true it was £385 for flights and 8 nights with breakfast! Bargain right? It was at a 3 star hotel which shall remain nameless but being a student beggars can’t be choosers. So booked the trip for two of us. This trip turned out to be to most adventurous and scary trip I have ever taken and I am so happy that I documented it all in My Travel Journal.

Morocco Airport Mayhem

We got to the airport and it seemed chaotic with the lines here and there. We were asked if we are from US or UK we said yes and then told to move to another line so we proceeded to move. On reaching the line an irate man asks us why are you here? We said we are from UK think this must be the line for UK as we were asked to move. Well bad move the guy went off on one! He was like so what, because you from UK you think you special! We were stunned not sure what to do. This guy stormed off and another came and ushered us along.

Buffet, No thank you

After the intensity at the airport we arrived at our hotel. A well know 3-star budget chain. The room was clean and no issues there. It wasn’t near the city though so we were stuck with the hotel restaurant which wasn’t the best but will do. So next morning was breakfast. The buffet wasn’t very appealing at all the scrambled eggs looked like congeled mush and it was hot so flies everywhere. I decided to stick to fruit and bread.

Jemaa al Fnaa

We took the bus to the city square in Jemaa al’ Fnaa, it was huge, lots of vendors, even saw snake charmers, we walked around being hassled by shop sellers to buy items or beggars asking for money. I felt uneasy the whole time as I was being stared at constantly even on the bus. It was like this for the whole trip in Morocco. I dressed modest (though I didn’t cover my head) but was told this shouldn’t be an issue. So I didn’t get why all the stares. As its was first day we just wanted to walk around and take it all in.

Jemaa al Fnaa Square showing tower in Morocco

Suspicious Car hire

The next day we decide to do something spontaneous and head to Agadir for the day. A local man had a Fiat Uno he said he would hire to us for a couple of days. It was cheap and it moved we thought why not it will get us around easier. So we hired the car from this random man, crazy I know! So off we head to Agadir. On route on the long road was a police check! We did not know about this we didnt even have any papers for this car! The guy could have told anyone that we stole it there would be no proof!

Police Check point

We pulled up as the police waved us to stop. He asked us where we were from. After the incident at the airport we thought it may be wised to say our heritage rather than where we actually came from. So we said Nigeria. Suddenly the police man’s face lit up!! Nigeria eh! he said great footballers, great country! where are you headed? We told him he said “ok have a great trip!” and on we went. He didnt ask to see anything.

Agadir was actually nice there was a long paved walk along the beach which had a very cool breeze. It was certainly calmer than Marrakesh. We spent the day roaming around the parade and chilling before heading back to our hotel.

Fez fiasco

We stayed local the next day but decided the day after we will go to Fez another town few hours from Marrakesh we got up early and made the drive to Fez no idea what we will do once we got there. It was a long drive and we happened on a group tour with coaches parked up and decided well definitely tourists so we parked and checked it out.

Desert in Fez, Morocco

They thought we were part of the tour we said no but they invited us to join the desert late lunch experience in a tent with rugs on the floor and tagines with delicious chicken (I think), lentils and apricot in a terracota pot shaped like an upside down funnel. The food was delicious, we were starving so anything would have tasted good at that point. It was a lovely meal and the organisers were keen to talk to us using our Africa card to full effect as this seemed to be more appealing to local people.

We talked with tour people and decided we would take the scenic route back. Instead of the roads we would go via the Atlas mountains which we seemed to be just at the foot of in the desert. We could see the mountains from our hotel so surely can’t be that far right! WRONG!! We filled up the car with petrol and headed into the mountains about 4pm.

Fiat in the Mountains

This was the scariest trip of my life. The roads were thin barely two vehicles could past and you can see the shear drop down to the valley. Trucks were hurtling past at speed on these small gravel windy roads. I was not sure we gonna make it.

As night fall we begin to ascend the road winding up and up. Then down and down we thought surely we must almost be there. But no! we went up and down and up and down the windy roads well into the night. No street lights to see the road edge just the head lights of this little car so not fit for the road conditions. I was not sure we would make it back.

Darkness and road block

I suggested we park up and wait till morning but that idea wasn’t accepted and who knows whats out there in the dark. Then we came across a road block! Water was gushing out the side of the mountain and a tree fell right across the road! We had to get out to move is and hope the road wasn’t washed away!

On we went still on the winding roads even the trucks weren’t coming anymore. We passed another vehicle a 4×4 landrover it was clear they decided to sleep out the night. But us no, we carried on! I was beginning to panic its been hours and still no sign of life insight. We sat in silence hoping we won’t run out of petrol, the car was probably a 1.2l engine!

Then in the distance we could see city lights! The relief, I literally felt myself take a breath! we were still some distance away but at least we know that the city is not too far. An hour later we arrived at the hotel it was now 11.30pm!! I just wanted to shower and sleep. I was never so happy to be in the 3 star bedroom!

Emergency on the Square

The next day we gave the car back and didnt do much but that night we decided to head back to Jemaa al Fnaa to see the square at night. There was lots of food vendors. Saw a boiled sheep’s head! I knew my stomach was weak so I avoided all food. But not my travel buddy no, they decided to try the street food.

And yep they got the squits! Couldn’t find a toilet quick enough the public toilet was disgusting. And then you had to do a full squat as the toilet hole was on the ground! Also no toilet paper had to wash with your hands. Imagine all this and wearing white! Yeah will leave you with that thought. Unpleasant was not even the way to describe it! Defeated yet again we headed back to our haven hotel by taxi. Needless to say the night was soured.

Teapot scandal

After some local tour and sights it was the last day before our flight back. We decided to head back to the square to use whatever money we had left to buy some souvenirs. We got a tagine (as that reminded us of probably the best meal we had for the whole trip), some cloth and other bits. We decided to head back all out of cash.

We were accosted by a street seller selling metal pots, candle holders, and tea sets. He beckoned us to come over he said come and buy I have lots you will like. We told him we spent all our money nothing left. He said don’t worry always a bargain to be made. He invited us to have some mint tea. Pouring hot sweet mint into a glass from a high height. It was freshing in the heat surprisingly.

Traditional bartering in Morocco

We chatted and I was waiting for him to call in the favour for his tea to buy something. As we said its time we go he said hey you can have this tea pot he brought a shiny metal tea pot out it had little legs and very ornate markings. We said but we have no more money.

He said I like your bag for the bag I give you tea pot. I was like not its ok really you will probably get more for the tea pot than this bag. But he insisted. It was a record bag free from a conference! He said we do things the traditional way. You give me bag I give you tea pot. He insisted so we relented and gave him the bag. We headed back to pack, amused by the encounter!

Day time Market in Jemaa al Fnaa, Morocco

Home at last

We headed to the airport and flew how. The trip was such a rollercoaster! The intensity was full on. But the teapot summed up the trip. We decided to make a drink with it to celebrate we made it back in once piece. Low and behold the pot could not hold anything past the spout there was a hole in it and everything spilled out!

I laughed so hard at the irony. But I wasn’t mad at it after all we got a bad teapot for a free conference bag. I thought it was far. The teapot is a decoration in the cupboard and I smile everytime I see it. Morocco was definitely a trip I will remember but not sure I can go back I may get PTSD flash backs! I some ways this was the best and worst trip I have ever been on!

This was a few years back so things may have changed alot since then. I certainly won’t do less than a 4-star hotel these days so you never know maybe I will return to see the how the other half vacay in Morocco.

My Travel Journal

I remembered so much detail of this trip as I kept a diary of each day including who said what. This has now become a habit as its fun to go back and re-read together with the souvenirs and pictures the memory is still strong as if i went last month! If you would like your very own travel journal to document your travels then check out My Travel Journal on Amazon selling now!